St. Anna's Church is located in Stanley, Hong Kong. It was built in 1959 and was consecrated by Bishop Hall on August 15 of the same year. By 1990, the diocese established the Yang Ming Shan Villa and the Shek O Village Mass Center.
Due to Stanley being a unique and highly internationalized area, St. Anna's Parish has also become an international Catholic missionary community. In addition to caring for local residents, the parish also provides pastoral support to Catholics, families, and friends from various countries living in Hong Kong.
Based on this unique atmosphere, St. Anna's Church has formed various associations and groups composed of faithful from three different languages and cultures. Special groups have also been established to integrate all three, fostering a sense of community and pastoral care for the members of this extended family.
In addition, St. Anna's Church places great emphasis on the experience of encountering the Lord, encouraging parishioners to actively participate in the diverse prayer activities, Eucharistic adoration, and meditation meetings each week. A dedicated prayer pavilion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.
At the same time, the parish maintains close cooperation with the Yang Ming Shan Villa and the Mass Centers in Shek O, as well as the Carmelite Monastery and the Marist Brothers in Stanley, to meet the diverse needs of the parishioners.